Cycles are my jam…

I mean, uh, not just me, the whole friggin world’s jam, and that is the thing, whether you know it or not, you are in a phase—a moon phase, an astrological phase, an earth phase, a life phase. The only thing we know doesn’t change is that things change. But we can rely on some predictable changes through the cycles of the Sun/Day; cycles of the Week; cycles of the Moon; cycles of the Year; cycles of the Earth; cycles of Reflection; and cycles of our Life.

Through my earth medicine and intuitive work with Tarot, I have found understanding cycles to be the key to understanding our own spiritual selves. In fact, I found this so important, I require it of my mentoring students to take this class. I also have created an oracle deck and 300 page book around cycles. (It’s coming at some point!)

This class is about incorporating this knowledge into your spiritual work, your energy work; your readings and your magickal workings. We will go through why we should be interested in cycles, discuss how to align your magickal work, altars and spiritual intention setting to the cycles of the day, month, & year. We will also talk about the work we do through in our different life stages. I give specific ideas on how to approach each part of your spiritual life with the seasonal energies, moon cycles + your own personal cycles to maximize your work. Think of this alignment as having the wind at your back, pushing your spiritual work to the next level.

This class has bonuses out the wazoo:

  • Digital print of my hand-painted Medicine Wheel

  • Digital print of my hand-painted Wheel of the Year

  • Moon Cycle coaching papers

  • Moon Cycle Journal (created by Angie)

  • Charts, graphs and rituals for different cycles.

This online class was held via Zoom on June 4, 2023. I have all the recordings and bonuses for sale. You can always ask questions in our online classroom, and I will answer questions.