What to expect


This is some information that will be useful to you regarding your more intense and powerful transformative healing sessions, especially cord-cutting, shamanic journey, soul retrieval and more intense sessions.

You may feel some of the “prep work” that is being done by your guides and higher self to prepare you for the session. Some sensations you may feel are: “feeling funny,” anxiety, sensations of lumps or knots in the body, feeling tired, and possibly thirsty. You may be having dreams of guides, animal totems, or other symbols of your work. Sometimes we have darker dreams, or nightmares that help us uncover our blockages or work that needs to be released. If you feel any of the prep work, know that you are held in this process and it may be part of your session. Often water, meditation, relaxation techniques, salt water baths can help with this process.  

transformative earth medicine sessions

During my sessions, I combine Reiki, crystal healing, earth medicine healing, drum, rattle, shamanic journey, smoke cleansing, breathwork + toning. My sessions are trauma-informed, deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, clothing-on, minimal contact therapy of placing stone + plant medicine on the body with light touch. I am certified through Hibiscus Moon’s Certified Crystal Practitioner program as well as the Advanced Crystal Master certification. I am also certified in all four levels as an Earth Medicine Practitioner through Pixie Lighthorse’s SouLodge Earth Medicine School. Crystals as powerful energetic tools. It is essential that those who use crystals for healing purposes have had adequate training in order to do so in an effective, yet secure and sensible manner. I teach my client small techniques to take crystal healing with them as they move forward. I have also been trained to hold space for those in search of deep, transformative work.

Earth Medicine sessions helps re-align energetic frequencies, removes emotional & energetic blocks, while allowing for soul learning, healing & spiritual growth. It is gentle and effective, assisting all areas of the body. Because I use the shamanic journey non-ordinary reality, I connect with guides, the earth medicine and your Higher Self to bring forth messages about your healing work. I seek to be the hollow bone, channeling the medicine for my clients.. I have an understanding of the human electromagnetic field and of how earth medicine interacts with it. I am trained to recognize and remedy energetic imbalances or blockages within this field utilizing vibrational medicine. I have been trained in advanced techniques like cord-cutting and psychic surgery; soul retrieval; egg limpias and medicine bundle work; third eye opening and parallel time work; balancing, opening, and working with the transpersonal chakras; deep healing work for autoimmune disorders and other system-wide imbalances.

during your session

Each transformative earth medicine session begins the same, but the direction changes based on your needs and the pathway which opens to us as healers. At the beginning of your first session, I will conduct a thorough intake process, which includes my review of your health intake form and a discussion of your intentions, goals, and expectations. You should arrive ten-fifteen minutes early to begin this process.  As you fill your paperwork out,  I will prepare for your healing by smoke cleansing, praying, and making an offering to Spirit. We will discuss emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual challenges you may be facing during this time.

I often ask my clients what their goals are for their session, and we set an intention, talk about certain crystals, plants, animals or stones that the client might want to explore or use during the session, or a specific layout. When it is time to begin, I will ask you to remove all your crystals from pockets, or jewelry with crystals as well as your shoes. You will get on the massage table fully clothed. I put an eye pillow over the eyes, and cover you with a blanket. I begin with a prayer and a short meditation to get you in an alpha state to facilitate healing. I will go quiet and check chakras with a pendulum and begin placing stones + earth medicine on the body. I keep a paper handy to take notes of my intuitive messages, and what I have observed as a healer during sessions.

At times, emotions arise during transformation earth medicine sessions as energy healing can release both physical and emotional blockages in the body. These releases can be physical through the body (for example, stomach rumbling, gas, or burping), or emotional (crying or laughing), spiritual (feeling outside of your body, astral traveling.) Please know that these kinds of releases are normal and expected, though do not always happen. I have been a client as well as a healer and nothing shocks or scares me. Your session will be most beneficial if you release any judgment or self-consciousness. What happens in session stays in session.

I do two full layouts of about twenty minutes. Checking chakras and your breathing. While the crystals are on the body, I perform Reiki, Transformational Reiki, breathwork, and other Shamanic techniques to enhance the energy. I gently bring you out of your session with a small bell, clearing your auric field with a Selenite Wand. When you are finished, we will discuss what I did during sessions, messages, or observations of your chakras, while you sip water. We will be making connections, noting any changes, and moving forward with your future healing by discussing further work either alone or with me. I sometimes send my clients with a small salt bath to seal in the work, and a mojo bag of crystals to continue working with crystal energy on their own.

Tarot + Spiritual Counseling


My tarot readings and spiritual counseling sessions seek to read the energy around a situation and offer practical meditations, affirmations and exercises to either tap into the energy around your question, or release the energy no longer serving you. We call in your guides, angels, ascended master and any ancestors to help us work together through the Tarot to find those areas of your life pulling your energy. The ancient symbols of Tarot are but one language Spirit speaks.  We will work together to read the cards, and understand the energetic impulses around you at this time. I come to Tarot with a strong grounding and healthy dose of humility. I understand skepticism, and expect it from my clients. This is where spiritual counseling comes--we work together, talking through these energies, understanding the heart of the matter. Tarot guides, offers clarity, explains the energies and wisdom which surround you and your question.

During your reading

It can be most helpful to bring a question or a few questions to your appointment. Our sessions together are simply like conversations in which we invite Spirit into the conversation. I use the cards as jumping off points to ask the correct question of you. We often discuss possible paths to take and how to approach the challenging situations in your life. I do not believe in fate…I believe in possibilities, so many people experience my readings as positive, because I offer alternatives with differing outcomes if you choose different responses to life. I have found that combining tarot and oracle decks works best to bring forth information. Most people come to their first session a little nervous, but just know, I am here just like you in a discovery and curious state. The best approach is open-mindedness and honesty. My tarot counselling sessions are safe and confidential first and foremost. If you are ever uncomfortable or feel unsafe, you are free to terminate the session without payment expected.

Distance Sessions

Distance transformative earth medicine healing sessions or tarot readings are very similar to in-person sessions, except in the privacy of your own home. We will set up a time when you will be relaxing, and I will be working on your energy field. Some of my clients like to connect at that time to check-in, tell me what is coming up. Others just send me what is happening and what they want to focus on via email, text or in their purchase order. I can even do the distance session at a time that is convenient for you that may be different than what is convenient for me. I record all the information and send it to you via Soundcloud, or pass the information on via phone or Zoom after our session. It is imperative we establish a mutual time that is conducive to both of us for quiet and meditation. You can also meet with me in real time. I am in Pennsylvania, USA (so Eastern Standard Time.) I see clients for distance healing or readings during the day on Thursdays. You can schedule at check-out in my SHOP.

Distance Healing + Tarot Sessions

This ninety-minute to two-hour healing session starts with a Tarot reading. I focus on your question or concern and do a deep dive reading into what energy is ready to be released or what you are ready to work on, or ready to call in. Angie then takes the information gleaned from the reading and applies it to a deep transformative earth medicine healing session. Reiki and crystal healing session uses the Hibiscus Moon certified techniques to balance the chakras, help re-align energetic frequencies, remove emotional & energetic blocks, while allowing for soul learning, healing & spiritual growth. It is gentle and effective, assisting all areas of the body.  Angie weaves in drumming, rattling, shamanic breathwork and shamanic techniques to balance the body. These sessions can be done via email or Zoom whichever suits you. In emailed sessions, Angie will type up notes from your session and/or record herself as she is performing the healing work.

Angie starts each session with a short meditation, then checks chakras with a pendulum, lays stones, incorporates Reiki and 13th-octave LaHoChi, shamanic techniques, breathwork, drums and rattles, and other energy techniques to balance the body. Angie then removes the stones, and rechecks the chakras. If all is balanced, she will work with your intention or goal for the session. During this phase, Angie will drop into Shamanic Journey for deeper messages about you and your energy system. During this journey work, she retrieves information about what she should do to heal you, and what you can also do. Sometimes guides, angels, animal guides, spirit guides and ancestors will give insights into past life, or karmic patterns being repeated with notes on how to continue this work.

Moon Cycle Coaching 

When we work with the energies of the Moon and the Wheel of the Year instead of against Her energies, our lives run smoother, our senses sharper, and our stresses or anxieties lessened. My Moon Cycle Coaching runs from New Moon to New Moon. New moons are emotional times--the sky is at its darkest, but it is also the time to write your destiny. It is during this time that intention setting has the greatest potential to stick and stay. My intention setting programs help give you a holistic view of your own healing. We will sit together in a tarot spiritual counseling session. During that time, we will identify the intentions you would like to set, and the shadow work that needs to be done through the month. With every new energy we bring in, we release the energies not working for us. My moon cycle intention setting program helps set manageable and attainable intentions, helps release the energies not working for you, and gives you a entire program for the month. We will then do a crystal healing session removing any blockages or imbalances that are standing in the way of your intention's manifestation. During the healing phase of your session, I will craft a medicine bundle with herbs, crystals and aromatherapy. You will work with this energy throughout the month, using your medicine bundle to help manifest your dreams.

At the Full Moon, you will come back for a tarot check-in/spiritual counseling session. This is the time when your shadow issues are most illuminated and you can see yourself in the most objective light. This is a great time to release those things not working for you, and move into the phase of creative solutions to your intention-setting. We will draw in the creative energy of the Full Moon. We will do a ceremonial release of the energies and things not working for you or holding you back from the true manifestation of the intentions we set at the new moon. We will do some focused chakra crystal healing work, and discuss the shadow issues that have arisen during the first half of your month. We will also do a spiritual protection and grounding crystal session to help ground those energies.

The third and final session at the final New Moon, we will do a tarot check-in/spiritual counseling session, then move into a full chakra balancing session. After our crystal work, we will have a ceremony of gratitude and release for our medicine bundle (if your work with it is done). The crystals that were used in your bundle are yours to keep and use in the next phase of your intention-setting. Often our medicine bundle work goes in three month cycles, so you might continue with manifesting your intention after our work is over. I will give you tools and ideas to continue your work through the next few cycles.

For your first visit with me, expect to spend an extra 15 minutes with me prior to the crystal healing or spiritual counseling session. All forms for your session are available when you book or you can find them here: Policies