Distance Healing Session (1 hour)


Distance Healing Session (1 hour)


This forty-five minute to one hour session combines shamanic healing techniques, crystal healing techniques and Reiki to balance the chakras, help re-align energetic frequencies, remove emotional & energetic blocks. Angie works with Reiki, Transformational Reiki, drum, rattle, voice, earth medicine & shamanic/transformative techniques to balance the chakras, and allow soul learning, healing & spiritual growth. It is gentle and effective, assisting all areas of the body. $100/hour

Through my work, I ask my clients to set intentions for their session. Some suggested intentions and focused crystal healing layouts available include:

Abundance + Manifestation Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves a balancing then focus work to boost your innate ability to manifest abundance. We work on the root, and solar plexus to help build your foundation and courage. Aventurine, jade, citrine + pyrite.

Fertility Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves a balancing, then focused fertility layout. You go home with the crystals used in your layout to continue the work at home. Rose quartz, moonstone, unakite, and jade.

The High Body Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves a balancing, then a beautiful layout developed by Katrina Raphaell. It involves the High Mind point, the High Heart, and the High Physical, raising your vibration and really tapping into Higher Consciousness while grounding and supporting you. There are over twenty stones used in this layout.

Healing with Mother Earth Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves a balancing, then focused layout for those who need some mothering and self-care. When I was working on a client who needed healing around her mother wound, I had a vision of Gaia sitting in the grass in front of a waterfall. She was taking all the moss, leaves, sticks, grasses around her and knitting them together with these long knitting needles. She knitted this gorgeous tapestry and placed it over my client. As my client lay bundled under this blanket, it turned into a Chrysocolla heart. Gaia explained that this was the way to heal the mother wound and the inner child who needs deep healing. This layout works with the crystals that connect with both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine healing, and works all the chakras. I use Chrysocolla, Cuprite, Red Jasper, Malachite, Turquoise, Azurite, and Lemurian Quartz.

Moon Cycle Layouts - This Reiki and crystal healing session is based around the moon cycle. After a chakra balancing, we work with the current moon energies to balance the body, mind, and spirit.

Protection + Grounding Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session is done during the new moon, This layout is done after a chakra balancing. It is important to connect with the Earth's electromagnetic field to restore balance and ground our own EMF. This is particularly strong during the new moon, and my client sometimes gets messages from Mother Earth. If requested, we can work with a guided meditation to bring you deeper into Earth consciousness. Black tourmaline, smokey quartz + black onyx.

Relaxation Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves a chakra balancing, then a focused layout to gently and lovingly help you relax into the crystals. Perfect for those always on the go, looking for a relaxation experience. Rose quartz, lepidolite, lithium quartz + amethyst.

Self-love Layout - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves a balancing, then focused work on self-love. This layout is perfect for those going through a breakup or divorce, to boost compassion, to change self-pity into self-compassion, or for those recovering from abuse. Rubelite, ruby, rhodocroseite + rose quartz.

Third Eye Opening - This Reiki and crystal healing session involves opening the third eye to enhance psychic work, channeling, and part life meditations. azurite, amethyst + clear quartz.

Transmuting Shield - One of my most popular layouts, this Reiki and crystal healing session involves a chakra balancing, then we move into a deep transmuting shield to strengthen the client's electromagnetic field, optimizing transmuting abilities. This is perfect for those going through a rough time, feeling vulnerable, or empaths. This layout is one that energizes, and strengthens, so it is not recommended for those looking to relax. It is perfect for lightworkers. Hematite, black tourmaline, pyrite + clear quartz.

Just an FYI that I am booking healing sessions, tarot readings and shamanic sessions 1-2 weeks out from when you order. Please keep this in mind when you are ordering. These distance sessions are recorded via Video and sent to you at a time, so you can access them at a time when you will be undisturbed. This is a great option for those who live in a different time zone.

This listing is for booking a one hour recorded distant shamanic crystal healing session with Angie. If you are interested in a real time sesh, please go to my scheduling page here:

The Moon + Stone Healing Academy Scheduler

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