Group Healing Sessions

Angie’s Collective Crystal Grid sessions are powerful collective healing sessions. This group healing session taps into powerful earth, moon or star energy, as we tap into the healing energy of the Earth with renewal, release + deep protection. Angie guides each participant into a chakra balancing and Earth-centered shamanic journey, first activating each participant as part of a crystal grid. The energy work focuses on balancing the chakras, soothing + repairing the auric field + facilitating release, using crystals, Reiki, as well as other shamanic healing modalities. Angie taps into the creative + potent energy of the Wheel of the Year, Moon Cycle, or other astrological events for this one-of-a-kind experience. As your energy system aligns with the crystals, one experiences deep ancestral healing, parallel life + karmic healing as well as a connectedness with all living beings, the cosmos, spiritual helpers + Mother Earth. We spend time after the event processing our journeys.

Shamanic Healing Circles with Sharon Muzio

Shamanic Practitioners Sharon Muzio & Angie Yingst bring you a guided shamanic journey and healing session. Shamanic journeying is an active visualization that helps with self-healing and connecting with earth medicine (animal, plant & stone), spirit guides, angels, ancestors,and the Higher Self. Sharon guides each journeyer into non-ordinary reality, creating a landscape to work with the energies and issues around the season and the point on the pagan wheel of the year. Angie works on each journeyer in this state with Reiki, crystals, herbs, animal medicine. She uses drums, rattle, chakapa, and Tibetan bowls. Journeys are offered both in-person or online.

Earth Medicine Work

Angie create gem elixirs, gem waters, gem-infused hydrosols or oils and medicine bundle or sacred tool work. Using the wisdom of the Earth, Angie drops into journey to create some at-home offerings for clients. Ask about her earth medicine work.

Reiki Classes

Angie is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher and attunes students to all levels of Reiki. Please contact Angie if you are interested.