When I talk of manifestation, I mean, setting intentions for goals that are attainable. When we set intentions to "lose weight," for example, we may start a new diet, or exercise regime, but if we don't get to the cause of our weight, those things may be for naught. So, the work of the New Moon is setting intentions, then allowing yourself to journey to those places of our own Shadow self, the part we hide from others and ourselves. Shadow work is a Jungian idea, and the time when the moon is in shadow is the most auspicious time to work with these shadow issues arising. I often work with people on medicine bundles during the new moon, then throughout the month, we talk about the shadow work arising, the emotional issues coming up for them. What is blocking you from being everything you want to be? Setting intentions in the new moon helps you identify and work on these issues. This is the true work of the new moon.
Labradorite is a stone of the Dark Moon, as Athena says. It is the gatekeeper for shadow work, and it is sometimes referred to as the Magician's stone--the magic of our own potential, intuition, and power. What does this mean? It means, labradorite perfectly complements the New Moon energy, helping you gently uncover your hookable places, and open to your Higher Self and the secret knowledge that helps you grow. Labradorite is difficult to capture on film, because it has an amazing labradoresence--flashing rainbows, purples, greens, blues, golds, oranges, red...yet remains dark.
Intention-setting and manifestation is not the only way to use labradorite in the new moon. This is a great time for journeying and deeper meditations. If you are someone building their intuitive gifts, including psychic abilities of the clairs, channeling, past-life recall, as well as other psychic tools, labradorite is a great stone for your toolkit. It helps you move between different dimensions, realms and realities with relative ease. When I said it is the gatekeeper of shadow work, labradorite helps you recognize that duality in yourself (and sometimes others) with clarity and wisdom. We don't go into arenas of shadow work lightly. We must hold it in high regard, being purposeful and respectful of the darkness and pain within us all.
For people who want to work with labradorite, I often recommend holding the stone (in your non-dominant hand) in meditation. Asking labradorite what you need to see right now for your Highest Good. And let the visions come. Don't fret if you don't get the answers immediately. It often takes time to discern the voice of our Higher Self and trust our answers. Keep the stone in your pocket throughout the day, because labradorite assists in coincidence and synchronicity. So, once the question is asked, allow synchronicities and coincidence to speak to you throughout the whole day. Watch where your shadow issues rise. Recognize those things that no longer serve you. The New Moon is a perfect time to release those things, so allow labradorite to be your companion. You can also place labradorite on the third eye to assist in seeing what you need to see. You can feel the rush as your vibration rises to labradorites. Labradorite also is great for dreamwork. Take it to bed with you, place it under your pillow. Then write your dreams, visions, and inspiriations in a journal. Working with labradorite and a dream journal opens you up to working on those issues blocking your intuition, or the intuitive messages you are not hearing during the day.
An affirmation to work with labradorite during the new moon is:
I open to the magic of my own intuition and Higher Self.