Supermoon in Aquarius

This Aquarius Supermoon, Monday, August 19 at 2:25 pm ET, is set to be one of our most potent Full Moon. Aquarius, the Fixed Air sign, is ruled by the staid, rule-hungry Saturn. But Aquarius is powerful and transformative too, because it believes so much in itself and it’s vision. Aquarius marches to its own drum, individual, innovative, boundary-breaking, but deeply cares about the collective. This Moon can connect you to your true authentic self; that is, if you move through and past fear of judgement, fear of being seen and possibly laughed at (hey, laugh back at them, isn’t it funnier how you look, dress and act like everyone else, sheep?!?l), fear of reputation-tarnishing, and just be you. Share your deep, reasoned values and step into your weird-ass self.

First accept yourself. Then find which freak flag is yours, or better yet, create your own freak flag, then you fly it. Wherever you are on your journey, this supermoon can supercharge it.

I keep hearing about this being a Blue Moon. My friend Julie Taylor at Stone Spells & Witchery just outlined why that is (2 full moons in a month vs. 4 full moons in a season are called blue moons in different traditions. This year, we are in the latter.) Blue Moon are like supermoons on steroids.

If you do connect with that idea, here is my Blue Moon layout from my book. Below it is a full moon in Aquarius layout. Pick your soul work!

This is your chance to connect with your true self - the authentic you that exists beyond fear, societal expectations, and self-imposed limitations. It's time to clear the path for a new way of being, rooted in love, acceptance, and compassion

Here is a tarot layout for the Blue Moon from my book The Complete Tarot Layouts, if you decide that yes, indeed, this is the Blue Moon and I want to work with it. Enjoy!