During this episode, I talk personally about myself and my journey this past year, working with the Chariot, and moving into 2024 with the Card of the Year--Strength. I also talk about the biggest astrology transits of the year and how to work with them.
Tarot, Earth Medicine + Astrology for December
Blessed December! December’s astrology has retrogrades, directs, action, adventure, and momentum for 2024. Doesn’t that sound great?!?
Of course, we start December, like every December in the optimistic and enthusiastic energy of Sagittarius, which honestly encourages us to see the best in the future. A wonderful way to set lofty, ambitious goals for yourself. As we enter Capricorn season at the end of the month, we open the path to turn those lofty ambitions into reality, paving the way for a thriving 2024. Capricorn is an earthy leader and doer. Opening a way, even if it is not evident at the beginning of the month. I am counting on this, y’all. I’m just saying.
During Sagittarius season, we're all encouraged to embrace compassion, generosity, and joy. There's this boundless energy that serves as a reminder that incredible things can happen when we believe in ourselves and strive for more. Yet, it can also be challenging to set boundaries or exercise restraint. Listen ad-free to the episode for the Tarot of the Month, Earth Medicine Allies, astrology of the Month, and, of course, my crazy tangents into Greek Mythology and more.
As always, December’s Medicine Bundle is available for sale on my website:
Blessed Full Moon in Gemini!
As a Gemini Ascendent, I would just like to keep this brief, even though that is not my forte. It's the Full Moon, witches, in Gemini. We are focusing on our communication, confusion, mixed messages and our own stories. You know, the story of what happened that may or may not be true, but is the story you keep telling yourself in your head, or telling anyone who will listen. It is time, friend, to look at that shizzle. This actually is a great aspect to ask the right questions to get good answers, but the key is asking the right questions. Don't ever ask a question you do not want the answer to, especially in this lunation, but if you want to know, ask. I have a list of questions, but I am going to shut up now before I put my giant Gemini rising foot in my mouth. I’ll let my graphics speak for themselves!
Have a drama free Full Moon in Gemini, if that is even possible.
Blessed Sagittarius Season!
Welcome to Sagittarius Season, travelers! After we journeyed into the underworld with moody and shadow-exploring Scorpio, it is time to begin our ascent into light with hilarious, goofy, joyful Sagittarius.
Sag is ruled by Jupiter and works with the element of Fire. Chani Nicholas talks about mutable signs as dispensing something to the world. Expansive Sagittarius disperses enthusiasm and optimism. You need a cheerleader? Recruit a Sag for your team. They are excited to be part of the tribe, as long as it isn’t too long of a commitment. Sagittarius craves freedom. Any whiff of neediness or too muchness will make them “feel weird.” And when Sagittarius feels weird, they trust it. Truly. I love how confident Sag is in their own intuitiveness.
They do not need to explain it to you. They simply spread their wings and fly. That might look a little like ghosting, or maybe just cutting and running, or just a simple no without a dissertation (which I find refreshingly important.) In some circles, you might even say they can be a bit avoidant with emotions. But they know deep inside of them that energy flows where attention goes. So, they simply will say no and move on. For those among us who are watery and needy (Pisces, I’m looking at you), this might feel cruel. But Sagittarius is furthest from cruel. They are simply following their gut, getting their needs met, exploring the big, beautiful world, and prioritizing their own growth. If something feels like it holds down their expansion, they leave.
I am not going to say that Sagittarius is bored easily, because it is not quite that. They love to do things like play pool and have a conversation about their top five things to take to a deserted island, but they cannot sit in emotions and stuckness for too long. They don’t hang onto stories that keep them mired in the same emotional swampiness. They are incredibly intuitive, wise, and insightful, but also they don’t like to go so deep they get stuck. It is almost like a kind of observational depth.
Sagittarius needs travel, learning, different environments and stories, unrestricted movement, and exploration. They will prioritize it over almost anything else. Sagittarius tends to be optimistic, positive, and curious. They are the perennial student and prefer to take classes, hands-on learning, challenges, hearing it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. They aren’t great with secondhand information or listening to petty crap, and yet, they also see everyone they meet on their travels as a teacher, a sage, a wise woman, treating them like their guru for that moment. Isn’t that a cool way to approach the world? Everyone has something to teach us in Sagittarius’s world; even the most challenging of people teach us how not to be. Sag loves that shit.
Sagittarius embodies wanderlust. Not simply to collect experiences, but to journey. They want to be embedded in other cultures, live as others live, have conversations that expand their consciousness. They are much more interested in the journey than the destination. And in the end, Sag’s gift is that they bring an individuality and curiosity that inspires others. Their intuitiveness guides them—signs, omens, coincidences, numbers, names, people that remind them of people. I was once in a gallery in Florence and ran into a customer from the café I worked at in Tucson Arizona. We laughed and laughed, and she said, “I know this is meant to be, because I have these tickets I cannot use, so I give them to you.” And then she said, Ciao! And kept on her travels. I was so humbled and excited. I used them, inviting other backpackers from the hostel where I was staying to have a wonderful experience I would not have been able to afford. Of course, she was a Sagittarius!
The spirituality of Sagittarius is that trust of coincidence and signs. They embody the medicine of the Tarot’s Fool, trusting the path unfurling in front of them. Sag’s sanity depends on trusting that the best will always unfold. They may not attribute to a certain God or religion, but it is a trust in the universe that all will happen. Their focus on the positive means they create their own reality, finding truth in those coincidences and happenstance that brings them medicine. My teacher Pixie says Medicine is the sacred, mysterious, supernatural power that exists in all things. Sagittarius is always in search of medicine—the medicine of challenge, the medicine of new places, the medicine of change, the medicine of thought, the medicine of creativity, and of course their challenge is to rise to the medicine and stick and stay long enough to grow, change, gain insight, and live it.
Your challenge during Sagittarius season is to embody Sagittarius’s way of being. Maybe you can call it the Tao of Sag. And in that balance of energy, we look for the deeper meaning, we trust our instincts and intuition, we follow the medicine, we get curious and open and let the joy unfold.
blessed new moon in scorpio!
Struggling with facing your own demons? Feel like you are missing a piece of the puzzle in your life?
No fear, the Scorpio New Moon is here to hold up a big ass mirror so you face the truth of things and call them by their proper name.
Hey, it might be someone else, but I am just going to say that 98% of the time it is you, honey. Y-O-U.
This New Moon in Scorpio can be emotionally transformative if you let it, or you can fall back into the role of Victim or Martyr, if you'd like. This is 100% your choice, but if you let the Moon do its thing, you are more like to uncover some uncomfortable, yet life changing truths, clarify where you stand and why. Just let yourself HOWL this new moon, and by HOWL, of course, I mean, Honest, Open-minded, Willing and Loving.
You can do this work. I believe in you.
Pluto and Mars are drinking straight black espressos and placing bets on you as we speak. Have fun.
I threw in a little tarot layout for your amusement and to help the process along. It’s a doozy. Called my shit out in typical Scorpio style, but this Capricorn is here for it. I need that, and so do you. You're welcome.
Tarot, Earth Medicine + astrology for the month of November: Podcast + Info
Happy November! Angie talks about the astrology of the month, pulls a Tarot card archetype for November (the 9 of friggin’ Swords), and the Earth Medicine allies—Plant Medicine of Yarrow; Stone Medicine: Turquoise, Aquamarine + Lepidolite as well as work with the medicine of our Animal Guide of Alligator +/or Crocodile
Remember these earth medicine guides can be tools for this month, and help you do your thang! A medicine bundle is for sale in the shop, as always.
Remember Angie does her Tarot thing through her collective Full Moon + New Moon readings for the Moon + Stone Membership group as well as a Guided Shamanic Journey with the animal medicine of the month. The private Facebook group is a place where the group gathers every Friday for a checkin and circle plus lots of other activities (meditations, craft night, death café, Q&As) to have camaraderie and fellowship. Check out more information here: https://themoonandstone.com/monthly-memberships
In this episode, I do mention the Body Keeps Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk: https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748
PS from Angie: Dearest listeners, Apologies for the lateness of this episode, we had some personal family emergency stuff come up and as a result, my stutter makes a wee appearance here. It is too hard to edit out and I am unfortunately too behind in my work to do that, so enjoy my "I-bursting-at-the-seams-with-lateness" stutter. Much love, Angelica
blessed samhain!
Samhain (pronounced SOW-en, meaning Summer’s End in Gaelic), the third and final harvest festival, marks the beginning of the dark season for Wiccans and Pagans. Considered the most important day on the Wheel of the Year’s calendar, Samhain falls on October 31st to November 1st. It is the start of Winter in the Witches year. Many consider this New Year.
Agrarian communities clear their fields before Samhain, as lore warns that food harvested after Samhain somehow spoils and can only be left for night spirits, faeries, and the wandering dead. The community prepares for the long winter by drying the medicinal and magical herbs, canning, and preserving fruits and vegetables. Root vegetables are harvested and stored in the cellars for the long winter ahead. This is also traditionally the time when farmers butcher the animals for winter, drying and storing the meat to survive through the long winter. The meat salted and kept, and the bones thrown to the fire as an offering to the Gods and as a security for good fortune. (Bonfire= bone + fire)
In this way, the Horned God, an aged and matured stag, gives his life again so the people can survive the winter. The God is mourned over the three harvests—first as the Grain God, then as God of Harvest, then the Horned God. The Goddess grieves and as she does, she transforms into the old, wise, and wizen crone. The Goddess, worshipped through the year in her three aspects, never dies, just as the Earth never dies. Travels to the underworld, as in the stories of the Sumerian goddess Inanna, Demeter/Persephone, Mabon and more tell us about the way we conquer death and the proximity of our loved ones.
So many cultures celebrate the dead at this time with Halloween (a secular holiday that has borrowed Samhain’s revelry), Día de los Muertos, All Soul’s Day, Feast of the Dead…this is the most holy of days. Though each sabbat honors the cycles of life and death, Samhain formally honors the Dead. The veil between the living and the dead thins during this time—almost all can sense the connection to the ancestors, spirits, and faeries. When the animals are slaughtered at Samhain, farmers also decide which animals live—fed and housed during the long winter months. This is a big decision and commitment for farmers which often sacrifice food from their family for the keeping of their animals.
There is revelry and celebration at Samhain--magick, divination and spirit work performed at this time. But the Spirits and Fae are not always seen as allies, they are trickster, mischievous creatures right now. Unlike Beltane, people are not looking to spend all night outside. The night holds mystery and fear. So, offerings—food and drink—are left outside the doors for the Spirits and Fae. Feeding the dead remains an important part of the rituals around the world honoring the ancestors. These offerings ensured good fortune on the animals in the barn and the crops for the next year.
Because of the magical connection of this time, divination is extremely important part of this time—tarot, scrying, astrological year readings, runes, tea leaf readings, mediumship, and bone readings, where people’s names were written on bones or rocks and thrown into the fire. The next day, the bone or rock was “read” to tell the fortune of the person. Covens and families hold silent dinners where the dead are invited to share a meal. A place setting and plate of food is set in honor of the dead, and all stay silent, waiting for messages from the dead.
At Samhain, you are asked to connect with the Ancestors and your relationship with grief and death. Honor the ancestors and they can assist you on your path. Samhain is a magical time, so you are asked to take a divination method to connect to those who have passed over and the ancestors. Use whichever is your preferred way to connect to Spirit, and ask questions about the new year, about your spiritual journey and what is next for you.
I have created a Tarot Layout to connect with your ancestors and find out more about your new year.
This Samhain, I recorded a different kind of podcast, which is a history of Samhain and mostly, the modern Halloween…where does it come from and where are its roots in the old ways. You can listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Overcast, Radio Public, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Blessed Scorpio Season!
Welcome to Scorpio Season, Shadow Walkers! Hold onto your existentialist tomes, pull out your death journals, we are in Scorpio season where we contemplate life, the universe, the present moment, absurdity, death and rebirth, sex and then, like everything else (I said that like Loren Michaels in my head.)
Scorpio is a fixed water sign, which means in its essence, it is both moving, flowing, flexible, emotional AND stubborn, rigid, and seeking stability. Fixed signs harness their element’s strongest qualities. And Scorpio harnesses, as Chani Nicholas says, the power of its emotional intensity. Scorpio is transformative in its way of being—pushing the perishing parts of us to finally die so rebirth can happen, transmuting into something more aligned with who they are. They are alchemists in that way.
While Scorpio’s fixedness gives it a stubbornness, which is both useful and annoying to their partners (ahem, Sam Yingst), they also seek freedom and liberation. Scorpio is defiant by nature, in the best way possible. Scorpio subverts the dominant paradigm. They throw the lightning strike that brings the Tower down. Scorpio enjoys conversations that go deep, emotionally vulnerable, intense, connective. Scorpio wants us to face the truth that we are one day going to die and so we must pay attention to the present moment. The present is made precious, in Scorpio’s mind, by the reality of death. Scorpio says, “Face your fears. Face your death. Face your Shadow. Face your Trauma. Embrace them. Play some Rummy. Have some tea. Make friends. Then be in the moment with all them co-existing in you.” Scorpio, the Emotional Revolutionary, the Goth Kid of Astrology, the Peaceful Warrior, and ones that point to the Emperor and say, “That dude nekkid.”
Scorpio’s often get accused of being too aloof, but they are observers—observers of the World and watchers of the humans (sometimes Scorpio humans feel detached from humanity, like they are from another time and place). They are conscious of what works, of systems, of human nature. They understand human nature, particularly the Shadowy parts. Through routine and systems of doing, they take out all the thought of anything superficial, so they can focus on deeper things, like the whys and hows. That routine can sometimes give Scorpio the reputation of being controlling, stubborn or unable to play peacefully in the sandbox with others. (Group projects annoy Scorpios unless they are doing it all, then they get resentful of the ”idiots in their group”.) Scorpios can have that black and white thinking in practice with lots of grey areas in theory, so they seek to both harness and to liberate. It is a contradiction that makes Scorpio such a deep, powerful season (and if you have Scorpio in your top three [Sun, Moon, or Rising], you know this makes you a deep, powerful human too.)
That power scares mere mortals.
Scorpios are not afraid of their power. They will wield it when it benefits them. Most Scorpios have a very strong sense of ethics and mortality, and so use it for good. They are excellent readers of humans. If you want a reliable first impression, ask a Scorpio. They do not hold back. They do not suffer fools, unless that fool is engaging in some of their favorite pastimes like absurdist and silly conversations, dark humor, sarcastic and witty repartee and finding meaning in everything.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about the inherent connection to death and sex. You find Scorpio one of the more demonized signs in the Zodiac, but that is because Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars. Pluto rules the Shadow issues, particularly death, existence, emotions, and truth. You know, those little things. Mars is the warrior, active, ready to fight, upturn or honestly have a little nooky, if that is offered. Scorpio walks the razor’s edge of existence—the liminal space between the present moment and the infinite, action and contemplation, truth and lies, the real and the imaginary, anxiety and bravado, sexiness and prudishness, life and death. Scorpio looks at the underbelly of society and says, “I bet they make some good art there. Let’s check it out.” Scorpio season honors real in the bluntest ways, showing you the real blood and guts of a situation or situation. But they bravely reveal the shadow, talk about it, take the elephant in the room for a ride, then return it to its true home.
I find most Scorpios fairly introverted, playing their cards close to their chest. But they often do not see themselves that way. In fact, they seek community, but in time of anxiety or fear or contemplation, they isolate and sometimes self-harm. It is their nature. It can be through overly indulging in some soul sedative (sex, masturbation, drinking, drugs, alcohol, eating, gambling, anything traditionally thought of as addictive), or it can be through repetitive working out, deprivation, challenges, or of course hurting oneself. Again, Scorpio is dark. They are the ones that would say they wanted to feel something, anything, and self-harmed. This is the Shadow of Scorpio—avoidant, dissociated, unable to swim in the complex seas of Pluto and Mars. But in their light, Scorpio is emotionally aware, often the most emotionally mature in the room, calling things by their proper name—Sensitivities, be damned!
It is time to take a walk on the shadow side with Scorpio. Enjoy it. We have a Lunar Eclipse on Friday, October 28th in Taurus, which stands directly opposite Scorpio on the Astrological wheel—a fixed earth sign Moon with a fixed water sign Sun.
*Hey, no disrespect. I’m a Capricorn. I get it, Scorpio. In fact, we are pretty much tailor made for each other.
Q&A with Angie on Episode 64 of Centered
In this latest episode of Centered, Angie answers some of the many questions she has received since her last Q&A episode in May on Astrology! Specifically, she is waxing a bit philosophic about life of life’s terms, being present, reacting vs. responding, sacred pause, being comfortable with being uncomfortable, authenticity and parenting and more. Here are the questions:
What is the best practice/stone to NOT shoot your mouth off at work? (seriously)
How do you know that you are doing the right thing with your life?
As a mother, how do you manage to show up as your authentic self in your business when your day is filled with chaos and managing tiny human’s schedules including your own? Do you have a specific crystal or ritual you do before you start working that helps ground you in the moment and clear your mind to focus on the task at hand?
If you want to ask me a question, you can send me a voice clip or email at angie@themoonandstone.com or you can send me a voice mail question: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/angie-yingst
Angie references these things in this podcast:
The Sacred Pause, An Excerpt from the Dharma of Poetry by John Brehm: https://wisdomexperience.org/wisdom-article/the-sacred-pause/
The Sacred Pause, Spiritual Practice by Tara Brach: https://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/practices/practices/view/21412?id=21412
Jack Kornfield on the Sacred Pause: https://jackkornfield.com/the-sacred-pause/
Tara Brach’s Meditation for the Sacred Pause: https://youtu.be/w-yF9EMkE88?si=IqtjUxKGs83vXfgH
October's Tarot Card, Earth Medicine + Sky Medicine
It's Eclipse season and the last of the two year cycle of Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses.
In this episode, Angie talks about the astrology of the month, pulls a Tarot card archetype for October (the Hermit), and the Earth Medicine allies—Plant Medicine of Mugwort and Damiana; Stone Medicine: Charoite, Moonstone + Hematite as well as work with the medicine of our Spirit Guide the Valkyrie and the Animal Guide of Phoenix
You can listen to this latest episode of Centered on Spotify (https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/VXWTngQezDb) or wherever you listen to podcasts (Amazon, I Heart Radio, Apple Music, Pocketcasts, etc) or right on my website. Or just check out my blog.
Remember these earth medicine guides can be tools for this month, and help you do your thang! A medicine bundle is for sale in my shop, as always.
You can find October's Medicine Bundle here: https://themoonandstone.com/.../oct-2023-earth-medicine...
Remember I do collective Full Moon + New Moon readings for my membership group as well as a Guided Shamanic Journey with the animal medicine of the month. We also meet each Friday for circle, and you get free bonus of Q&As with me. Check out more information here:
Blessed Full Moon in Aries!
Blessed Full Moon in Aries.
When we are dealing with Full Moons, we are looking at the Moon being in the sign opposite of the sun, unlike New Moons where the sun and moon are in the same sign. The tension created by the Sun and Moon in opposition can create breakthroughs in our consciousness and allows us to grow, evolve, and transform.
Aries and Libra sit opposite each other in the sky and on the zodiac wheel, so as the Sun sits in Libra, the full Moon lands in Aries. So, we have the Sun in Libra, and we have the Moon in Aries. What relational energy do these two sign have? Well, they are both cardinal signs, meaning they kick off season, they are both leaders and often great at motivation, drive and kicking off projects. It’s the finishing of projects that sometimes challenges Cardinal signs.
The Sun in Libra allows us to work with its vibrations in our energetic bodies. Aries is home to the first house of the self and ruled by Mars, while Libra is home to the seventh house of relationships and ruled by Venus. Mars and Venus. Self and Other. These are our tensions on this Super Moon in Aries. With the closeness to the South Node, this full moon may feel a bit like an Eclipse.
To work with some of this energy, I created a Tarot Layout that might be useful for those of you who use Tarot as a way in and to connect with Spirit.
Love this kind of content and want to learn more and go deeper with the Lunar Cycles? Check out the Moon + Stone Membership Group. Or if you are really interested in the Cycles, why not check out my class called Cycles, available right here, and it is on sale!
Happy Libra Season!
Welcome to Libra Season, creators of beauty! This year’s Libra season is infused with Eclipses, meaning that the usual Venus-ruled Libra who loves love and beauty, helping you emphasize relationships means some serious business. Why you love love, Libra? Aren’t you sick of the same partner archetype that ends up draining your bank account or energy account and hits on your bestie and gaslights you?
My sense is you are sick of it. Well, you are in luck!! This Libra season, we are looking at patterns in our relationships, particularly around why our peckers, uh, I mean pickers, might be off a bit. Why we might delve into people-pleasing, ignoring our own needs and wants, to support our partner’s needs and wants.
This is your time, witch, to break any co-dependent patterns, and finish that damned karma already. Libra excels at finding and maintaining balance, which is what makes them excellent diplomats, mediators, and judges, but also puts them in a quandary in relationships. They can beautifully see each side of an argument. They understand the complexities of each situation, including complex or difficult pasts. And what I mean by that is they often will see a big red flag in a person, friendship, romantic partner, spouse, work situation or other relationship, and then look right on past in, climbing into way back machine and putting themselves into the story—wanting to heal the wounded child. While it is great to have empathy and compassion, it isn’t great to justify bad behaviors. We often hear it as justifications and excused—"She was abandoned;” “He was cheated on;” “They had a bad day at work,” “their parents always screamed at them, that is why they scream;” or “They were not nurtured enough as a child and that is why they are:” angry, mean, short, abusive, unkind, unfaithful, etc, etc, etc.” (Fill in your favorite excuse for being treated like crap.) These are the shadow of mediator, the one that wants to remain so objective, they take themselves out of the equation of care.
Whether it is a relationship or a situation in life…if it has a number of sides, Libra is well-acquainted with each of them. But this can often lead to analysis paralysis—or for my Tarot peeps, a Seven of Cups type situation. I always want to scream, “Choose yourself, Libra.”
Sometimes Libra season embroils itself so much in compassion and empathy, the self gets lost. Libra will sometimes be in the space of having no idea what they want (that’s the analysis paralysis, I was talking about.) In relationships, intuitiveness, compassion and empathy make them favorite targets of narcissists and attachment-wounded individuals.
Of course, when Libra realizes this, they often cut and run. Because when we look at the light aspect of Libra (seeking and maintaining balance), we need to address the shadow aspect too (acting impulsively in an extreme way). So, in Libra season, if your instinct is to say, “F*ck all y’all.” Stop. Practice the Sacred Pause, and gives yourself the gift of getting curious about the desire to cut everyone out.
Listen, humans can complicate a paper bag. We are never all light or all shadow; we are often a beautiful mélange of our wounds and our wisdom. We hope to be on the path of not lashing out, of self-discovery and peace, but we are wounded, and wounded complicated people sometimes act out of their wounded self. Libra always strives to balance the two (wounds and wisdom), but hell, we are human. We can be frustratingly predictable when we get our feelings hurt. So, give yourself grace. Love yourself when you are most unlovable. And remember Libra is ruled by Venus/Aphrodite, Venus can sometimes be smitten with the façade, the beauty someone presents, rather than the complex truth of the individual. So, seeing a red flag and protecting yourself isn’t being judgmental. It is being discerning, intelligent. It doesn’t not mean you never talk to that person; it means you hold space, take them where they are, and then meet them with your empathy and kindness without having to fix them, adopt them, take them on as a project or marry them. ‘Mkay?
This Libra Season, I encourage you to find the equanimity within yourself. Who are you? Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, meaning it is heady, intellectual, thoughtful, and can be an excellent leader if that self-knowledge is there. Where Libra gets muddy is if they are subsumed in another person, ideology, dogma, religious group, identity beyond the self…they can lose who they are. Subsequently, when the Sun is in Libra, we can sometimes tap into that energy whether or not we have Libra in our charts. Approach each day checking in with your emotional regulation or emotional sobriety…where am I on the emotional sobriety chart if the Dalai Lama is one end and fall down black out punching drunk is on the other? Take the Sacred Pause before speaking, check in with yourself. Here is my usual inner monologue when I take the Sacred Pause: “You good, bitch? You gonna lash out or shut down? Can you access your wisdom? How old are you, Mami? Did you invite Spirit into this conversation? Do that now.” And if I am going to lash out or shut down and I cannot access my wisdom, I politely excuse myself, or say, “Hey, I’m feeling a little weird or emotionally dysregulated. Let me take a minute and come back to this convo. Kk.” Then I go do something calming—meditation, gentle movement, pulling weeds, journaling, pulling tarot, scrolling tiktok (though that could be addictive, so be careful with that one.)
Healthy relationships are not about completing each other. They are two fully formed and fully realized individuals coming together on parallel paths with their own desires, goals, dreams, sexuality, work, and identity. Libra brings beauty, compassion, love, empathy, but it has to start at home, so take care of you during Libra season. It wants to gift us with the tools for centering the self, honoring your identity, bringing peace, and balancing polarities, as long as your own house is in order. As Ram Das said, “We are all here to walk each other home.”
Blessed Autumn Equinox!
Blessed Autumn Equinox!
Autumn Equinox or Mabon comes any time between September 21-23. As one of the lesser Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, it has a more modern approach from witches and pagans, but do not be mistaken--this time of the year has always been celebrated as the Second Harvest on the Wheel of the Year. First Harvest is August 1 when we celebrate Lammas or Lughnasadh honoring the harvest of the delicate grains, including wheat, corn, and others. Second Harvest celebrates the more abundance harvest of again corn, root vegetables, squashes, gourds and pumpkins, fall fruit including apples, pears, grapes, plums and others, and other abundant crops that last in root cellars through the winter. Third Harvest festival is Samhain, celebrated Oct. 31st, when the fields are basically done, and animals are harvested for winter.
Just for reference, the Wheel of the Year is a way on understanding what are called the Solar Festivals, or the eight points on the year that are celebrated in connection to agrarian festivals throughout the world.
Mabon is considered a Masculine sabbat (like Lughnasadha). Key concepts here are gratitude, Balance, Equality, Equity and Equanimity, Abundance, Protection, Prosperity, Self-confidence, and Harmony. If you are interested in learning more, check out my latest podcast on Centered (available wherever you get podcasts) where I talk about Autumn Equinox, the Pagan understandings of the Second Harvest (I also do a deep dive into the history of the word "pagan" and then how witches started Wicca and compiled the Wheel of the Year, including how they were named, then I talk about Mabon, the correspondences for altars and grids, and then spiritual work and insights for this time. I also share journal prompts and a personal gratitude reset ritual from her upcoming book + oracle card deck called Cycles.
Listen to my podcast about the history, lore, and rituals of Mabon (and literally so much more) right here:
I also created a Tarot Layout for Autumn Equinox, so you can work with the energies in your own practice.
I also wanted to include some pictures from my cacao ceremony and healing circle, including my altar, the distance healing grid, some candles I created and more.
Blessed New Moon in Virgo
I love me a Virgo New Moon. Because I love me some labels on bins, neat and orderly cabinets, the organization and order of mouse medicine (paying attention to details). I love streamlining things, and the beauty of efficiency, and Virgo New Moons are great times to get your shit together and implement some efficiency or organization habits.
This is particularly true when it comes to caring for the self. Virgo is a healer & caregiver. This moon is awesome for learning radical self-acceptance, practicing exquisite self-care, implementing some effective care habits, and learning to mother yourself with deep compassion and love.
The New Moon on September 14th is at 9:39 PM EST, and Mercury stations direct on September 15th at 4:21 pm ET. So, the Sun, Moon and Mercury are all happening in Virgo, making this a lovely time to do Virgo work.
Reflect on the last month or so and think about our "mistakes" or the setbacks that arose...what did they teach you? Where is the wisdom in mistake? Where is the beauty in the recovery? And maybe most importantly, what was your first reaction to the mistake or block or error?
And that is the rub this New Moon--the mistakes, the disorganization, the setbacks and how you responded, is the medicine. We are on a fact-finding mission to understand ourselves.
So, reflect over the last lunation, from August's New Moon in Leo to now. Where were your setbacks, then follow it through...why did that arise? How were you or weren't you present in the moment? How did you talk to yourself? How did you soothe yourself? How did self-criticism help or harm? We can look at how we were triggered, then where is the wound? Where did it come from? How can we feel safe? How can we be kind to our wounded self? Where are our joys, our needs and our wants?
The personal Tarot layout for this New Moon is all about self-care and how we can integrate it in with our goals, then develop habits that heal and move us to more radical self-acceptance. I shared my personal reading, and used Laura Tempest Zarkoff 's deck Anatomy of a Witch for extra insight. Blessed New Moon in Virgo!
Tarot of the Month: Ten of Cups
Deals With Family & Home
Brings Emotional Stability
Healing After Difficult Period
Harmony & Happiness
The Ten of Cups shows a rainbow with ten cups. Under this image, we see two children playing, and a woman and man celebrating the land, their home and the joy of the rainbow. We call this, unsurprisingly, The Happy Family Card.
There is no castle in the distance, or ostentatious symbols of wealth, like in the Ten of Pentacles. But the parents appreciate all they have. It is the simplicity of their life and their home, the beautiful weather, happy children, togetherness. There is a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings of their life.
This is one of the happiest, most positive cards of the Tarot (Pips and Majors included). It shows gratitude and contentedness. It is about togetherness, emotional connectedness, community, love, simple pleasure and of course the family. And by family, I mean many things. It can be your biological family, your partner and children, it can mean your work family, or your chosen family of friends. It can be any group of people who live together, work together or spend quality, intimate time together. If you are estranged from your family of origin, this might refer to the family you can created around you, rather than urging you to see the positive in your abusive family (Just want to clarify.)
But remember that the rainbow only comes after a storm, and so this card is about the end of difficult times. Tens carry the numerology of 1, so the beginning of a new cycle of joy, gratitude, harmony, and happiness. From the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), the rainbow comes as a symbol of the covenant that God made with Noah after the Great Flood that He will never create a flood again. There is this idea that this is a symbol of wrath and punishment is over.
The family home shows stability and comfort, while the river shows there is a healthy flow of emotions. And then there's the happy couple. They have everything they want. They're in love. They have a home, kids, and a community. The celebration they are engaging in is not about some rite of passage, but the everyday joys, simplicity of being together, and growth.
The Ten of Cups is the final card of the pips or the numbered cards in the suit of Cups, the symbol of Water. The Ten indicates we are ready to start a new cycle after a long emotional journey. We see this is a whole family dancing in front of a rainbow, as they look over their abundant land. So, the beginning of the Cups is the Ace, which is the Gift from Great Spirit of love, and the, the Two shows the marriage, but as you traverse the suit of Cups, you have emotional challenges, ups and downs. It is a powerful journey into the Ten. The Ten gives us hard-won emotional stability. We have harmony and love for the entire family. And the entire family is important, because the message here is that you work as a unit—if some member of the family suffers, we all suffer. The rainbow is key; it tells us a lot about the journey and arrival after great suffering.
The shadow or challenge of this archetype for the month is feeling like the rainbow isn’t quite there, or not seeing it by focusing on the little things or even to focus on what you do not have. Combined with other cards that indicate this, this card can be about leaving a family situation, breaking up the family or divorce when it comes reversed or inverted. The breakdown of the happy family. In months where we work with archetype of a card, we can sometimes volley between the upright expression and the shadow expression—meaning one day you are happy and the next day, you are threatening leaving your “happy family”. Obviously, I don’t suggest following the whims of a Tarot card. This card asks you to list out the simple joys of your relationship, family or chosen family unit. To remember that the rainbow appears sometimes during a storm to let us know the end of suffering is near.
This is a card that urges you to acknowledge and celebrate that you have been through storms and stormy times. It is about finding gratitude, joy, harmony and happiness within the daily grind of life, which can be hard when we are stressed. We look at our own ability to create untenable expectations (planned resentments) or cause our own suffering by seeing our partner or family through resentment or unhealed wounds. This is time to give yourself closure and choose to let the past be. The Ten of Cups says, Happiness is right there, honey. Just accept it.
Blessed September
Holy cow, it is all retrogrades, all the time. In this episode, I talks about the sky medicine, I mean, astrology of the month, pulls a Tarot card archetype for September (10 of Cups), and the Earth Medicine allies—Plant Medicine of Evening Primrose; Stone Medicine: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and Pyrite as well as work with the medicine of Wolf.
Remember these earth medicine guides can be tools for this month, and help you do your thang! A medicine bundle is for sale in my shop, as always. You can find September's Medicine Bundle here: https://themoonandstone.com/medicine/sept-2023-earth-medicine-mojo-bag-4lgxz
Remember I do collective Full Moon + New Moon readings for my membership group as well as a Guided Shamanic Journey with the animal medicine of the month. We also meet each Friday for circle, and you get free bonus of Q&As with me. Check out more information here:
Some pieces I mention in the podcast that you might find interesting:
Most U.S. wolves are listed as endangered—again. Here’s why: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/gray-wolves-relisted-endangered-species-act
I love the story of Cailleach told by Scottish storyteller Shona Cowie. I link it in the show notes. https://youtu.be/faX4qZ4Ipbk?si=4egBKt39TAjw2UJs
Fresh Air: What we get wrong about Armageddon in the Bible. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167732024/what-we-get-wrong-about-armageddon-in-the-bible
Genesis Chapter 9:http://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/GEN+9.html
Super Blue Moon in Pisces
A watery, mystical, dreamy Pisces full moon at the start of earth and detail-oriented Virgo season awakens your subconscious dream life and brings it in for a reality check. I love that these two mutable signs can help you shift focus from societal prescriptions and comfort to what you really want. Hey, this is a time for dreaming, and maybe even taking it a step further by allowing the Virgo Sun to say, Here are the actionable steps I would take to make that dream a reality.
Don't forget to ground and tap into Earth energy during this dreamy time. It is easy to get that 100 yard stare imagining a different life and seeing a whole other existence that honors who you authentically are. But then again, maybe it just means you are spacey. Whichever, take a moment to cleanse, ground, protect and honor your inner dreams. Write that shizzle down. What changes are you needing? Go back to March 2023's intention...what goal did you set and how has that shifted?
I have a personal Blue Moon Tarot Layout for y’all, so check that out if you are a tarot reader, and here is the collective reading.
Blue Moons are auspicious times, bringing magick & light to our dreams & long term goals. This Blue Moon is wonderful for focusing on setting long-term goals, exploring the deepest of our dreams (the one we daydream about, but never speak aloud), intentions, & releasing what blocks the way to your goals. This Piscean Blue Moon is more mystical & spiritual than other Blue Moons, This tarot layout helps you go deep with your dreams. With this layout we can discern what dreams we are ready to pursue, how to get there and become aware of all those energies that distract us from our goals & bring clarity to our wounded inner voice that lies to us about our worth & limits our infinite potential. Blessed Blue Moon!
Blessed Virgo Season + Mercury Retrograde
Welcome to Virgo Season, witches!
We kick it off with a Mercury stationing Retrograde today, so hang onto your husbands, girls!* And by husbands, I mean, your communications. Keep them in your pants/in your drafts folders. Though this is an excellent time to plan things, because Virgo loves a good five-year plan and is an excellent wind at your back for the details that a bigger picture Earth sign isn't always great at (ahem, I am looking at you, Capricorn!)
Virgo is known for being fussy, but it isn't as much fussy as efficient, analytical, detailed, and a powerhouse of getting shit done. Some of you Air and Water signs might see it as fussy or sticklery, but that is just because you don't mind if the tablecloth is crooked and that is your prerogative. (But you are wrong.) Because it is a mutable earth sign, Virgo can manifest that mutability as anxiety, but it is really attention to all the things at the same time. Everything everywhere all at once. Virgo can make a minor typo feel huge. It is just because it is all important to Virgo brains, because the details make up the big picture, not the other way around. (Again, I am looking at you, Capricorn.) Virgo channels that native wisdom of streamlining, efficiency and order.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so you might find this particular Mercury Rx isn't as intense, but I still suggest the planning is more important than the doing in these three weeks.
Virgo heals. Virgos are natural healers, in the sense, that order, stability, and cleanliness heal our chaotic minds. Virgo is the sign of the healer, giver, space holder. So, this is a great season to be engaging in new routines with healing and service work. And by service work, I mean, being of service to fellow humans and/or animal friends. How and where can you be most helpful to your community?
Now, let’s talk a little about Mercury Retrograde. So, are you like,”Angie, are you effing kidding me right now, bro? I thought we were already in Mercury Retrograde?!?! I mean, shit ain’t right already.” We go into a pre-retrograde period a few weeks before it starts, and then go into a shadow retrograde period after it ends. So, you might have been stalking you for a few weeks in its pre-shadow time frame. So, you are already swimming in the soup, people!
welcome to the jungle!
Mercury Retrograde has a reputation, because it happens three times a year for three weeks a piece, then counting the pre-retrograde period and the shadow retrograde, that is like a good 2 months 3xs a year, so calculating in my really math-deficient brain that seems like a good 6 months of Mercury doing its thing. It reminds me of my friend Billy during a Daylight Savings time change. He posted something on FB that said, “OMG, stop complaining about the time change. It happens twice a year. JUST GO TO SLEEP!” Or that one cartoon I cannot find now where the Moon is leaning in some lady’s window when she is in bed and says, “Stop blaming me for everything!”
It is because Mercury rules communication, and we often notice electronics being a little temperamental, my dryer is broken, por ejemplo, (I feel like Laura Ingalls Wilder hanging my clothes outside with actual clothes pins. I even wear a bonnet to do it and call my kids Half-Pint.)
Communications is a little wonky, like sending a text before you edited it 15 times or mispelling something on your resume for an editing job...just double check things. Mercury Retrograde is in Virgo, and Virgo is a stickler, so expect those issues of Mercury Rx to be in the little details that drive you crazy. Listen, Mercury Rx is just as important as Mercury Direct...we get to use every part of the Moon + Planetary movements. We can use this time for planning, dreaming, laying out what our steps might be. Take three weeks for that planning time, but hold off on moving forward. I have some tips for you during this time:
And if you use Tarot, here is a cool layout:
If you are up for using crystals, I use a combination of Throat Chakra stones and grounding stones. Throat chakra or communication stones like Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Hemimorphite, Amazonite, and my favorite for Mercury Retrograde is Fluorite, often called the stone of the student. It really helps with clarity and understanding. Grounding stones I use are Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline and...wait for it, Garnet are great. My friend Chris (Tall Chris Crystals) gave me some Black Garnet, and that is going to be my new GOTO for Merc. Rx. The grid here is Fluorite, Smoky Quartz and Hematite, but you do you, boo.
(*I am quoting Practical Magic, not suddenly shifting personalities here.)
new moon in leo
Blessed New Moon in Leo!
Creative transformative energy! Leonine powers of expression and boundaries are yours! You the shit, babe, and you know it! Find that thing you are exceedingly good at and be exceedingly good at it! Don't use your confident, sexy Leo powers to manipulate others and you be good! Remember almost everything is retrograde, so take it easy with other people! Let this New Moon guide inspiration, boundaries, expression and then do the perspiration part of your goals! You got this! Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens! Remember transformation and annihilation feels the same until the end! Continue being very energetic and excited about every statement with a proverbial or literal exclamation point!